on the weekend we had to write a flat stanley diary. we think that flat stanley is a very good book .flat stanley is very flat.flat stanley can slide under his door.flat stanley went to california with his brother arthur. by Jenny and Kallie
Hello It is Elliott and today we got our hands from around the word and guess what we got one of yours and I forgot the name of the child but I'll tell you tomorrow
I'm glad you're enjoying our text this week. We'll be sending these diaries off to a school in America at the end of the week! Mrs.P
Excellent well done we are really enjoying Flat Stanley next door as well - your Stanleys may well be off to Washington D.C. in America very soon.
Mr H and Class 3H
Hello It is Elliott and today we got our hands from around the word and guess what we got one of yours and I forgot the name of the child but I'll tell you tomorrow
By Elliott
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